



Chen-Ju Weng (翁辰儒)
Master Thesis Topic: The analysis and design for the flow field in the anode cell(陽極腔室內之流場分析與設計)

Tsung-Jui Li (李宗叡)
Master Thesis Topic: The One-Dimensional Model Development and Analysis for Blast Furnace(一維高爐模型建立與分析)

Yeh,Yen-Ting (葉彥廷)
Master Thesis Topic: Investigation on the Flame Behavior and the Combustion Characteristics of Flat Flame Burners by Using Numerical Models(以數值模型研究平焰燃燒器的火焰行為與燃燒特性)


Ping-Han Liu (劉秉翰)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical investigation on the flame propagation behavior in a mesoscale diverging tube(介尺度漸擴腔室內之火焰傳播行為研究)


Chia-Hsun Lin (林佳勳)
Master Thesis Topic: The effect of Lewis number on the flame behavior in a mesoscale diverging channel by using numerical model(以數值模型探討路易士數對漸張微流道內火焰行為的影響)

Hsin-Hao Chen (陳信豪)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical Investigation on the Production Parameters in a Heavy oil Reactor(以數值模型探討重油反應爐之製程參數)

Wei-Hsiang Sun (孫煒翔)
Master Thesis Topic: Experimental study of radiative heat flux on the formation of hot zone in pool fires(輻射熱對油池火災熱區形成之實驗分析)

Tai-Hsiang Fang (方泰翔)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical Investigation on the Variation of Thermal Stress in Workpieces Heated in an Industrial Continuous Furnace(以數值模擬分析工業連續爐內工件之熱應力變化)

Yu-Kun Yeh (葉育坤)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical study of concurrent-flow flame spread over a thin solid in a narrow channel(利用數值模型研究狹窄通道內順流火焰在薄固體燃料上的傳播現象)

Yu-Wen Chen (陳昱文)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical Investigation of Hot Zone Formation due to Radiation Heat Flux during Pool Fires(利用一維數值模型分析油池火災時輻射熱對熱區形成的影響)


Hong-De Liu (劉泓德)
Master Thesis Topic: Experimental test and numerical study on wood which applies intumescent coating(應用膨脹型防火塗層於木材之實驗測試與模擬分析)

Jie-You Li (李介佑)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical simulation of Flame Spread over Extremely Thin Solid Fuel in microgravity(數值方法探討無重力下火焰在極薄固體燃料的傳播)


Ching-Wei Wu (吳勁緯)
Master Thesis Topic: The study of solid dissolution phenomenon by using numerical model (利用數值模型探討固體之溶解現象)

Le-Kuan Lin (林樂寬)
Master Thesis Topic: The investigation of solid accretion at the tip of bottom-blowing tuyere in steelmaking process by using water-model experiment (利用水模實驗探討煉鋼底吹管口固凝物之形成)

Xin-Yi Lin (林欣儀)
Master Thesis Topic: Experimental tests of intumescent fire-retardant coating and thermal analysis of test platforms (膨脹型防火塗料之實驗測試與實驗平台之熱分析)

Zhi-Hong Yang (楊志鴻)
Master Thesis Topic: Study on the bottom-blowing erosion in converter by using numerical model (利用數值模型研究轉爐底吹破壞行為)

Zheng-Yan Lin (林鉦諺)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical simulation and analysis of dust emission in steelmaking plant (煉鋼廠房煙塵逸散之數值模擬與分析)


Han-Lin Wu (吳翰林)
Master Thesis Topic: Simulation of Non-premixed Combustion in Regenerative Burner with Exhaust Gas Recirculation Mechanism (非預混蓄熱型燃燒器使用尾氣回收機制之燃燒模擬)

Pin-Yao Wang (王品堯)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical simulation of droplet collision dynamics and the development of simplified heat transfer analysisfor slag particles’ flying in the granulating system (液滴碰撞之模擬分析與其在造粒系統中之簡化飛行冷卻模式建立)

Yu-Wei Zhuang (莊裕緯)
Master Thesis Topic: Investigation unsteady carbon burning process of a coke oven (煉焦爐室積碳燒除模式之暫態模擬與分析)

Zhrng-Hao Hou (侯正豪)
Master Thesis Topic: The role of co-injected hydrocarbon gas in the bottom-blown oxygen steelmaking (碳氫氣體在底吹氧氣煉鋼製程中的作用)


Jia-Qi Zhan (詹家齊)
Master Thesis Topic: The Development of Three-dimensional Model for Iron Ore Sintering Process and the Flue Gas Leaking Analysis in the Recirculation System (三號燒結循環尾氣逸散減排及三維燒結模式建立與應用)

Jing-Yao Huang (黃敬堯)
Master Thesis Topic: The Model Development and Numerical Simulation for Scrap Tyre Buring in the Steel Melting Process (廢輪胎導入鋼液溶化製程之模型建立與數值模擬)

Jia-Yu Liu (劉家妤)
Master Thesis Topic: The Premixed-Flame Behaviors in Mesoscale Sudden-Expansion Channel (介尺寸突擴通道之預混火焰行為硏究)


Ang-Zhi Lai (賴昂志)
Master Thesis Topic: Numerical model of carbon dissolution in liquid iron (鐵水中的碳溶解模式)

Hong-Jie Lin (林鴻傑)
Master Thesis Topic: The Analysis of Premixed-Flame Behaviors in Stepped Tubes (預混火焰在階梯管內之火焰行為分析)

Hong-Ze Lin (林宏澤)
Master Thesis Topic: The Effects of Inclined Angular Orientation on Flame Spread over Thin Solids (傾斜角度對火焰在薄固體上傳播之影響)

Jia-Kai Chen (陳嘉凱)
Master Thesis Topic: Flame ignition/quenching behavior in tiny tube (微小流道內火焰點燃/熄滅的傳播行為硏究)

Yi-Chen Lin (林義晨)
Master Thesis Topic: The behavior of flame propagation in diverging microchannels (火焰在漸張微流道內的傳播行為)

Zheng-Yan Hong (洪正彥)
Master Thesis Topic: The Study of Perforated-Plate Burner and Analysis of Radiation Efficiency by Using Numerical Model (以數值模型硏究排孔平板燃燒器及輻射熱效率分析)


Jin-Feng Chen (陳金豐)
Master Thesis Topic: Iron Ore Sintering Experiment and Numerical Model Development (鐵礦燒結實驗與數值模型建立)